Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How many trips to the Home Depot will this take?

Here's a sneak peek of what is going on around here. Keys is installing board and batten in my entry way and up the staircase. Did you know that Keys does not enjoy my "help" so he sends me to the Home Depot 14 trillion times a day.
That's ok because I just hang out with Norbert my favorite wood cutting guy at the Home Depot. If you are planning on tackling the board and batten look you will want to make friends with someone in the lumber department! I personally have made friends with Norbert. I wonder if he is going to miss seeing me 5 thousand times a day. Oh, thankfully Norbert also is good at math because he saved me from cutting waaaaay too much wood!
You know how bloggers say, "Oh, so I put up board and batten this weekend." I'm not making any accusations but big fat liar comes to mind. My house has been torn apart foooooreeeeeever. If Keys would let me "help him" paint for example then this would go much faster.
I "helped him" once and I've been banned from painting in my own house ever since.



  1. i once helped my mom mop the floor as a kid. i used oil instead of pinesol (same color!). never had to do it again.
    and my husband is also a paint natzi...i cant even carry the paint fromt he car into the house.

  2. Dee
    A question?? Why are you going to home depot to get wood cut? Doesn't Keys have a saw and miter box?
    And if not....Rog has EVERYTHING!

    Have a lovely day!
    Lisa K
