Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Easy Fall Dinners You CAN Make Yourself

Roasting chickens look hard, but really it is pretty easy. Rotisserie chickens are so inexpensive and easy, I usually pick up two or three in the beginning of the week, but this week I decided to try it myself. It was easy! Since you've decided to roast one you might as well roast two while you're at it. I stuffed each one with a lemon, half of a white onion, a half of a fennel bulb, and a huge bunch of parsley. You have to really cram it in there! A little yucky I know! Roast together at 400 degrees for about an hour and a half and then check to see that the internal temp is 160. Let them rest awhile before you cut into them. The first night we just ate the chicken sliced up with mashed potatoes and the pan gravy. I put the roasting pan directly on the stove, sprinkled with 2 tablespoons of flour, then added chicken stock and a splash of cream. The gravy was the best ever!
My mashed potatoes are really a combination of cauliflower and potatoes. It increases the nutritional value and no one knows but me. NONE of the boys would EVER eat cauliflower knowingly.
Personal chicken pot pies. I cubed some of the chicken, used the rest of the gravy, threw in some frozen veggies, sauteed some extra baby carrots and celery. (Do you notice a slight orange tint? I threw some pureed pumpkin that I had in the fridge) It was delicious!! Put on pre-made pie crusts and baked at 375 for 30 minutes. EASY. You could also top with leftover "mashed potatoes" instead of the pie crust, for another easy dinner.

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