Last night I was invited to the Sex and the City Premiere! We were guests of Lesley Burley and ReMax. It was an amazing evening benefiting Dress for Success, an organization that enables women to re-enter the workforce with professional attire and career development tools. As guests we were asked to bring a donation of appropriate dress shoes and handbags. It was a wonderful way to benifit a very important woman's organization with a great movie about the importance of women supporting one another.
One of the raffle prizes was a pair of Louboutins! Dang it, I didn't win. I'm not sure $900.00 shoes are appropriate for mowing the lawn and grocery shopping, but I wanted them BAD!
The movie was 2 and a half hours of eye-candy, cute boys, and a fabulous dance number! The best part was seeing old friends and being able to catch up!
Go see the movie with your girlfriends, it is a great escape for a few hours, and this time you won't cry and threaten BIG's life like last time!!
A big thanks to Leslie Burley and ReMax for the invitation!!

Pia (my SIL) and I are going to the Norway premeire of Sex and the City II on June 4th. We bought our tickets last week. It is a red carpet event... should be fun! We went together to the first one also. I just watched the first one today again... love it!