The Mighty Casey as a wee baby.
I can't wait to print these out and proudly display them on the mantle.
I used the GREAT tutorial here:
Try it!
The Mighty Casey as a wee baby.
I can't wait to print these out and proudly display them on the mantle.
I used the GREAT tutorial here:
Try it!
Halloween Photos-Barking up a Family Tree
Indigo Twin
These are the measurements that we used. (Click to enlarge) We used half inch MDF cut into 3 and 6 inch "boards".
And by "we" I mean *Keys. He did all of the work, I made 6,583,467 trips to the Home Depot. (He likes to keep me "busy") No he is not my husband, he is a friend of ours/carpenter. My husband doesn't believe in power tools, and he thinks that I will cut my hands off if I use them.
Notice in this picture the builder said. "We'll just throw on some weird angles of wood and no one will ever notice."
We (*see above) added "boards" to create symmetry on the staircase.
Ahhhhh! Much better!
Board and Batten-Wainscoting-Paneling.....
How many trips to the Home Depot will this take?
A Quick Snack
Nancy made me do it....
What time is it??
Or "Horse-Riding Girl" works too! We are lucky to have such amazing items to choose from at our local Goodwills here. I picked up the Dressage helmet at the store on Belleview, but the store in Parker is horse-heaven. The Parker store had a helmet as well as numerous horse and rodeo related items.
We walked over to a barn near our house and shot away!
Black Blouse with bow $4.99
Harlequin Sweater $3.99
Black pants $4.99
Helmet $5.99
(you could use black softball/baseball pants or sweats even.)
$12.99 (the splurge)
(too small for the model! ouch!)
We put this costume together entirely of Goodwill items, but you could always cut costs by adding things from your own closet.
I love that she looks adorable, she is modestly dressed, and that she could use any of the items later!
(Leetsdale and Belleview Goodwill Stores)
Who do we have here?...Well it's baby Yoda, Princess Leia, and Hans Solo at the door. Why yes, Hans loves himself some Crocs!! All from G-Dub! The Yoda is a baby or toddler costume and I added a green baby hat all from the store on Belleview. (49 cents with the tags still on!) My little friend next door wanted all of the Star Wars family costumes, but then when it was her turn to dress up she backed out. She's three.....a girl has the right to change her mind! We tried!!
There are racks of ready made costumes at Goodwill right now. Shop now for your dress-up closet for pennies! (really pennies) Wash them up and you can save some money to buy the BIG Snickers bars! (to hide in the freezer for when the kids are at school!)
Happy Shopping!
Halloween at the G-Dub