My son's high school baseball team is in the State Tournament right now so I thought that I would put together some "good luck" goody bags. YES he is in high school, and past the goody bag stage, but I am not. So there.
One of his teammates is an amazing home run hitter. His last name happens to be Bird, so I made little bags with "Welcome to Bird's House" on the top and a bird whistle inside.

About 5 years ago when our boys were playing little league together (half of the high school team played together as little boys) there was an unfortunate comment regarding someones peanuts but it came out wrong and it has been a joke ever since. "Have you tried Ed's
(pea) nuts?" So now they are good luck.

Goodies for the goody bag. My son likes to put an ENTIRE package of Big League Chew in his mouth for the games. We told him as long as he stays away from real chew, he can have as much gum as he wants. See you can even pick up parenting tips here as well!

I think my son enjoys it when I yell "Way to Go Sweet Pea!" as loud as I can. Now the other moms call him Sweet Pea too. Awwww......

Thank goodness there were only 15 bags to assemble. I used to own a stationery company that put together these for parties. 15 is fun, 150 is a nightmare!!

Goody Bags
These are absolutely too cool! I love it! I hope that they all appreciate such fun goodies. Good luck to them at state.