These ladies are my dear friends. The one in the middle was celebrating her birthday, I won't say which one but it rhymes with

We had a "Learning Day Progressive Party" it was super-fabulous! We were each in charge of part of the day, I was brunch and it turns out my job was to "teach" the ladies how to pose for a picture.......I personally go for the head tilt...that's how I roll.....

Lisa is demonstrating the "head tilt" here...

I like to suggest a slight look up with a
mischievous grin for a delightful picture...Barb what are you doing?....

Barb! Are you even trying!....
Tooooo happy Barb! Barb is some kind of super-
genius that worked on Wall Street and then became an attorney.....I said "slight" grin....Barb can't follow directions!!!
My friend Ellen was in charge of lunch and a lesson on how to make "
rugalach" the most delicious cookie EVER! Ellen's sister Robin is the Queen of
Rugalach and has taught many, many ladies how to make the perfect cookie.

The lesson started with the cutest
goodie bags with everything we needed, including adorable aprons for each of us...

Lisa is modeling hers here....

Movie on her i-phone...
We got to each take home a few dozen.....mine are gone already!

Next up....Cocktails, appetizers, and an art lesson!
Wait!.....Not ready!!!

Much better......Robin's sister Marty met up with us...
Off to
Canvas and Cocktails in Cherry Creek...
I needed some coffee to keep me going! This was a long fun party!
me.. Look at the scary eye that I accidentally painted....Yikes! Drew calls it "The Eye of the Storm"....I had to put it behind the dresser.

Birthday Girl Lisa, not fair that she is an artist already.

Then we ate delicious ice cream cake made by Barb.....I thought that I would never eat again.....
for the rest of my life.
We love Lisa, and had the best day EVER!
But the best part was.....

Barb finally caught on! Great job Barbie!!
The End.

The Learning Curve...