Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh Boy....

So the other night I was waiting for Sweet P to come home. His curfew is midnight but I was texting him and asking for him to come home early. It was 10:30 and I was sooo tired that I wanted him to be in his bed already!! Here are the texts that transpired.

me: It's 10:30 start making your way home, you have an early game.....

P: I'm busy....

me: Wrap it up! It's time to come home.....

P: I have a surprise....

me: I really don't like surprises....especially this late at night........

P: nothing....................

P: nothing............................................

Now I'm starting to make up things in my head.......did he get a ticket?...........thank G-d his girlfriend is out of the country at the moment.......wait.......they wouldn't let a 16 year old get a tattoo would they?..........oh man...........

A mohawk? I'll take it!


  1. OMG he looks adorable with it. I LOVE It! What a cutie pie!!!

  2. LOL!!! I can so see my 5 year boy in the next 10 years doing this exact thing.

    I am with you, it's just hair it will all grow back.

  3. Whew! OK, I remember when I was a teenager my parents were always yelling at my brother to cut his hair as it was to long. Now I am always yelling at my son because his hair is to short. the mohawk is pretty funny!


  4. I love it! It's not blue...thats a good thing
