Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm doing better but here are some funny car moments I've had in the past few months.
I was driving home from the store, and I had this terrible panicked feeling that I was driving home with someone else's car that I found in the parking lot. Hmmm? Then....
I saw a policeman parked on the side of the road, and you know that paranoid feeling that you get in your stomach that you might be speeding so you check for the the flashing lights for the next 5 miles? Well I kept checking my gas gage and thinking ok good I have a half a tank I'm safe, then I would check it again just to make sure it was still half full so I wouldn't get a ticket. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I was checking the wrong gage on the dashboard. Whaaaa?
Dr. Shah please don't take my license away again, I'm sure these are isolated incidents! Right?
The GOOD news is that I realize these are a little off. If I didn't know then I would be in BIG TROUBLE. (I like to look on the bright side!)


  1. Bless you! That must be so hard.

  2. Dee,

    Thank you for visiting my blog. Thank you for doing that... so that I was able to find your blog in return.

    I have been reading through some of your previous posts. I love your writing and your fabulous since of humor.

    You are able to take life as it comes... what strength! Enjoying your precious moments with your family.

    You stories are hilarious... but they show that you have fantastic coping skills.

    We all have to adapt to the changes in our live... different stages and circumtances are a constant.

    I will be spending some more of my afternoon with you...

    Talk to you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean

  3. Very funny!!!! But not.... LOL!

  4. Love that you're writing about your journey. My brother suffers from a traumatic brain injury which he also incurred in a car accident. I wrote about him today for Kelly's Korner as well. God's blessings on you!
