Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Light Reading

My dad used to read to us before bed when we were little. This was his job when my mom went out somewhere. His favorite things to read to us were The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, and ghost stories from the Ozarks that were compiled by some historian. This made for a pleasant bed time of crying, nightmares, and some added chasing down the long dark hallway playing monster. Thanks Dad! (and you wonder why I'm afraid of ghosts still to this day)
That is why I don't like Halloween decorations. I don't find graveyards festive. No thanks. We wouldn't even go into my uncle's back room. Everyone knows it was haunted. Please. (Just ask Lisa.) Who wants to invite that craziness inside of your own home! Come on! Give me some festive pumpkins, gourds, Happy Harvest, but keep the gore to yourself, thank you very much.


  1. that is a bit creepy for kids when they are little. I don't blame you!

  2. I have never told my kids all the scary things that we were told. Yet, they are scared to go in the back rooms of Grandma´s house. Go figure! I'll never forget, Dee, when you told me that if you dream you are drowning, then you really drown in your sleep. Hello! I stayed up all night and read the Bible!

  3. You've got point Lisa. I guess I come from a long line of story tellers! How about the one where the dolls teeth will grow and bite you in your sleep! That wasn't nice either. I apologize!

  4. The China Doll! Eekkk! Do you remember the room I slept in?? haha I could barely shut my eyes!

  5. lisa your mom could tell the scaryest. ( I dont think thats a word) She called it "bloody bones". But that was when they were just stories. Just remember that our families did't have a tv till we were almost teens so story telling was a great pass time. Today LIFE is scary!
